The Plan; Step 1 & 2

Wed 11/22 Surgery follow up

Pathology report said all surrounding tissue was clean, no cancer meaning they got all the tumor out.  I stopped the surgeon right there “Tumor?! There was a tumor?!” He informed me that the “mass” once it has cancer is referred to as a tumor. Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop “It’s not a tumor” was running through my head, except I swapped “‘not’ for ‘is’”.

Incision is healing nicely, now let’s talk about the diagnosis. The surgeon informed me that I caught this early and if I had waited even 3-6 months we would be having a different conversation. 

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma starts inside the ductal tubes, which drain to the lymph nodes in the armpit. Because we didn’t know this was cancer during the lumpectomy, we didn’t do a lymph node dissection at that time. So first hurdle….Did it spread before we got it out?

Step 1: Lymph node dissection scheduled. I called the surgery office after I got home and asked to be put on the waitlist for any cancellations on. Less than 5 min later they called back and said there was a cancellation and asked if I could come in on Monday.YES! I screamed. #gettingshitdone

Step 2: I was able to pull a few strings with the help of some family members and get a genetics test completed that day while at the hospital. This test will test my genes for genetic mutations for 48 cancers and the BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes which would suggest a likelihood of breast cancer returning.

It was an emotionally and physically exhausting day. Running all around the hospital, finding out I need ANOTHER surgery ASAP and scheduling an appointment with an oncologist. I NEVER thought I would say “my oncologist”, but here was are.

I continued to not sleep well that week. Because of Thanksgiving no doctors were open. I called the online doctor and got a Rx for anti anxiety meds. I’ve never needed anxiety meds before but I was literally at a breaking point and I NEEDED sleep. They have been a game changer.I take one before bed and sleep the whole night.


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